Positive Quotes

Positive Quotes

“Our game is to recognize a big idea when it comes along when one doesn't come along very often.”

Positive Quotes

“You need patience, discipline, and agility to take losses and adversity without going crazy.”

Positive Quotes

“Forgetting your mistakes is a terrible error if you’re trying to improve your cognition. Reality doesn’t remind you. Why not celebrate stupidities in both categories?”

Positive Quotes

“A lot of people with high IQs are terrible investors because they've got terrible temperaments.”

Positive Quotes

“Think of the basic intellectual dishonesty that comes when you start talking about adjusted EBITDA. You're almost announcing you're a flake.”

Positive Quotes

“Investing is where you find a few great companies and then sit on your ass.”

Positive Quotes

“I’m just an idea, nothing concrete.”

Positive Quotes

“If I stay in one mindset or place for too long, I get crazy.”

Positive Quotes

“It never gets boring for me because there’s so many different things to explore in the studio. The studio’s become the sanctuary that people have come in and found new things out about themselves, as weird as that sounds. But it’s true, I’m no different. I’ve made some crazy hard records, and I’ve made a jazz album.”

Positive Quotes

“Performing for 60,000 people, that’s easy. The energy’s already there. They’re already doing most of the work. All you gotta do is not forget the words – and feed them energy, too.”

Positive Quotes

“So high looking at heaven below. You know me though from coast to coast for smoking dope. Overdose with the holy ghost, but hold the phones…”

Positive Quotes

“The day that I die on will turn me into an icon.”

Positive Quotes

“Never make yourself feel like nothing, to make someone else feel like everything.”

Positive Quotes

“I flood the Internet with what I think is quality content. That’s why I did things like giving out a song every 100,000 Twitter followers because I am just looking for ways to get my fans to hear all this music without over saturating things.”

Positive Quotes

“If you didn’t make mistakes, you wouldn’t get far.”

Positive Quotes

“I gotta get the dark out of me before I head back on because I know I need you back.”

Positive Quotes

“You’ll never be a burden to anyone who genuinely cares for you and that’s on everything I’ve ever known.”

Positive Quotes

“They tell me I can sell my soul for a dream and a couple shows. I don’t think they understand how deep loyalty goes.”

Positive Quotes

“I guess we’ll never die up there with all those ever-shining stars.”

Positive Quotes

“Forgiveness ain’t an easy road to go but I know that it’s a road worth headin’ down”