Topic: Wrestling Quotes
Positive Quotes

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

Life Quotes

“Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only real cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas.”

Softball Quotes

“My family vacations were softball tournaments.”

Positive Quotes

“You miss 100 of the shots you don't take”

Trust Quotes

“Some people will tell you that slow is good—and it may be, on some days—but I am here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube.”

Pink Quotes

“I have suffered from migraines since childhood and have long been curious about my own aching head, my dizziness, my divine lifting feelings, my sparklers and black holes, and my single visual hallucination of a little pink man and a pink ox on the floor of my bedroom.”

Positive Quotes

“Owned by nothing and free on all accounts.”

Love Quotes

““If you love a person, you accept the total person. With all the defects. Because those defects are a part of the person. Never try to change a person you love, because the very effort to change says that you love half, and the other half of the person is not accepted. When you love, you simply love.”

Alone Quotes

“The heart was made to be broken”

Lifestyle Quotes

“I always thought I’d look corny in the type of rap video in the club with girls and all that type of stuff. I just didn’t think I could really pull that off. We always think it’s more fun and better just to go outside the box and to use our videos to show cool concepts.”

Business Quotes

“The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.”

Patriotism Quotes

“Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.”

Good Morning Quotes

“May your morning be a reflection of your inner beauty.”

Inspirational Quotes

“All right, then, I'll go to hell.”

Wednesday Quotes

“Each morning is a fresh start, a new chance to make the most of your day. Good morning, Wednesday!”

Pink Quotes

“Mauve? Mauve is just pink trying to be purple.”

Environmental Quotes

“Of all the trees we could've hit, we had to get one that hits back.”

Love Quotes

“And I’ve never loved a soul quite the way that I loved you.”

Knowledge Quotes

“"Being brave means knowing that when you fail, you don't fail forever."”

Life Quotes

“It’s the little things that make you realize how good life can be.”