
New Year Quotes

“Making New Year resolutions is one thing. Remaining resolute and seeing them through is quite another.”

New Year Quotes

“I close my eyes to old ends. And open my heart to new beginnings.”

New Year Quotes

“There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.”

Pink Quotes

“Sunrise paints the sky with pinks and the sunset with peaches. Cool to warm. So is the progression from childhood to old age.”

Pink Quotes

“I would wear pink because I knew my future was anything but rosy.”

Pink Quotes

“As for me I will follow the path of the pink bunnies.”

Pink Quotes

“Pink gives me reason to love every colour in life.”

Pink Quotes

“The woman in red will be scarlet in pink and blushing with emotions.”

Pink Quotes

“Pink glows with emotions.”

Pink Quotes

“Pink leaves me blushing with love.”

Pink Quotes

“Pink’s sensuality comes from its colour.”

Pink Quotes

“Pink is what red always wanted to be.”

Pink Quotes

“There is absolutely nothing feminine about the color pink, or, anything bad-luck’ish about the color black in itself.”

Pink Quotes

“Now I really feel the landscape, I can be bold and include every tone of blue and pink: it’s enchanting, it’s delicious.”

Pink Quotes

“Pink, it was love at first sight, Pink, when I turn out the light.”

Pink Quotes

“There is no energy greater than the power of love. Once I finally embraced this concept, I realized that the path to ascension always begins with the heart and the color pink.”

Pink Quotes

“It was like she was made of cake, light and pretty and decorated on the outside with her sweet laugh and pink streak to her hair-but it was anyone’s guess what was on the inside.”

Pink Quotes

“Though there were no strong conventions until the nineteenth-century, pink was certainly a very suitable color for boys.”

Pink Quotes

“The redness was going out of the light now; the remains of the day were a fading pink, the color of wild roses.”

Pink Quotes

“The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color — oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples…”

Pink Quotes

“Life, when it was good, was indeed pink. La vie en rose.”

Pink Quotes

“Pink reminds me of my love for dance. My youth. The innocence of being young. Tutus. Strawberry frosting on a vanilla cake (my favorite).”

Pink Quotes

“When you lust after a colour. It’s just got to be pink!”

Pink Quotes

“Jaipur is a blushing bride draped in pink, dancing in our dreams while the peacocks sing.”

Pink Quotes

“Her bedroom had seemed so pink and young and delicate, appropriate to her pastel-shaded lingerie tossed here and there on chair and bed.”

Pink Quotes

“The block of sky in our twin high windows became a nectarine, amber and rose pink, and we lay in silence as white sunlight broke.”

Pink Quotes

“Swirling soft pinks, in silky drinks. Cotton candy sky and precious winks.”

Pink Quotes

“Her powder pink panties, which mate the discarded brazier, had the soaked path of Lizy’s excitement and lustful flow.”

Pink Quotes

“I wear a lot of pink cos’ seeing pink activates endorphins and energizes my creativity. It is a colour of femininity and fierceness.”

Pink Quotes

“In the years in which I used often to be still awake at dawn, what an entrancing spectacle were the pink clouds in the eastern sky!”

Pink Quotes

“I can honestly say that, in my opinion, the best thing that could happen to the world would be that it should become pinker and pinker.”

Pink Quotes

“These pigments are of hues from warm or cool, from pure pink to the deepest rose colour.”

Welding Quotes

“Welders make more money than philosophers. We need more welders and less philosophers.”

Welding Quotes

“There are three kinds of welder: the ones that do it right, the ones that do it wrong and the ones that say ‘I could have done that better.”

Welding Quotes

“Welding is more than just grabbing a stick and going to work. There’s a lot of science and knowledge involved.”

Welders Quotes

“The Welder Way means rolling up your sleeves and getting it done. It means no divas. It means complete support for the artistic vision in charge—a philosophy of ‘what can I do to help you?”

Welding Quotes

“Skilled welders aren’t cheap, cheap welders aren’t skilled.”

Welding Quotes

“I enrolled in welding the program because the welding we did in sculpture class was just enough to whet the appetite. I wanted to know how to properly work with the metal in my sculpture.”

Welding Quotes

“I think one of the worst things schools have done is taken out all of the stuff like art, music, woodworking, sewing, cooking, welding, auto-shop. All these things you can turn into careers. How can you get interested in these careers if you don’t try them on a little bit?”

Welding Quotes

“I became a welder. I was actually becoming an Engineer, and I joined the wrong queue. And so I became a welder, without knowing what a welder was.”

Welding Quotes

“Welding is the adult version of arts and crafts.”

Welding Quotes

“The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that from which it was torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion.”

Welding Quotes

“It’s what they do. If you’re a welder and all of the sudden you’re not the most popular welder on the block, are you going to quit welding? It’s the same with any other occupation. Nobody should expect them to quit doing what they do.”

Welding Quotes

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. And that’s why I never ‘work’ while I am welding.”

Welding Quotes

“That lady welder and I are just friends. Just because I’m a welder, you know, doesn’t mean I’m carrying a torch for her.”

Welding Quotes

“I’d always been scared of people with tertiary education and high intellects in case they found me wanting. I thought they viewed me as just a welder who knew a few jokes.”

Welding Quotes

“Most of all, I want to thank my father, up there, the man who when I said I wanted to be an actor, he said, ‘Wonderful. Just have a backup profession like welding.”

Welding Quotes

“I think it’s a real shame so many schools have taken out the handson classes. Art, music, auto mechanics, cooking, sewing, these are all things that can turn into jobs. You know, wood shop, steel shop, welding. These are all things that can turn into great careers, get kids interested. Things they can do with other students. Other things for our word thinkers: journalism clubs, drama clubs.”

Welding Quotes

“Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.”

Welding Quotes

“I never dreamed I’d grow up to be a perfect welder. But here I am, killing it.”

Welding Quotes

“Forget trendy designer labels. Jeans, a sweater or a t-shirt worn under a jacket that seems welded to you. When it’s just right, when you don’t see the effort, it’s irresistible.”

Welding Quotes

“There’s not a weld in this tank. It’s all put together with bolts and rivets.”

Welding Quotes

“I worked in a steel mill, I worked in a foundry, I worked in a paper mill, I worked in a chemical refinery, construction, I did all that. It was great work, it was good. I learned welding, mechanic, carpentry, but it saved me from going back to prison because that’s helpful. It’s really sad because those jobs are gone.”

Welding Quotes

“A welder is just a person who’s looking for the right place to weld.”

Welding Quotes

“A good welder can fix anything, but a great welder can fix anything twice.”

Welding Quotes

“It is the State which educates its citizens in civic virtue, gives them a consciousness of their mission and welds them into unity.”

Welding Quotes

“Nobody starts out knowing everything. You have to start at the bottom and pick people’s brains. When I got out of the service, I became a sheet-metal welder. I was an apprentice for five years. I found out who the top people were in my trade, and I asked to work with them. I asked them a lot of questions. How can we do this a little faster, a little cheaper, a little better? Once they know where you’re coming from, they open up.”

Welding Quotes

“You are a welder if you have a sunburn in the winter.”

Welding Quotes

“Whether you function as welders or inspectors, the laws of physics are implacable lie-detectors. You may fool men. You will never fool the metal.”

Welding Quotes

“I am a welder, not because I want to weld, but because I like what welding makes possible.”

Welding Quotes

“If he were to use a sledgehammer to hit the welded bar with force, it might break, but most likely not at the point where it had been welded. The metal bar could become strongest at its hitherto weakest place.”

Welding Quotes

“Welding is very much like cooking; you just need to add more pressure.”

Welding Quotes

“But art is not relative to perfection in any tangible sense. It is our coarse antennae trembling blindly as it traces the form of Origin, tastes the ephemeral glue welding us, yearning after the secret of ineluctable evolution, and wonders what this transformation will mean. In my mind, here was the best kind of art-the kind hoarded by rich and jealous collectors in their locked galleries; hidden from the eyes of the heathen masses, waiting to be shared with the ripe few.”

Welding Quotes

“If you plan on becoming a TIG welder, you better plan on doing lots and lots of burning.”

Welding Quotes

“The jobs that were accessible to a good, well-trained worker that knew how to do welding or assembly, none of those jobs had stayed in America. We don’t have the workforce.”

Welding Quotes

“He makes a great mistake… who supposes that authority is firmer or better established when it is founded by force than that which is welded by affection.”

Welding Quotes

“A welder is a person who has a lot of stories to tell and can’t wait for the weekend to come.”

Welding Quotes

“I became a welder. I was actually becoming an Engineer and I joined the wrong queue. And so I became a welder, without knowing what a welder was.”

Welding Quotes

“My childhood was really nice. My parents never forced me to do anything; it was always, “If you want to do that, fine.” When I told my father I was going to be an actor, he said, ‘Fine, but study welding just in case.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Once you’ve wrestled, everything else in life is easy.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Wrestling is not an action; it is a sport.”

Wrestling Quotes

“There is no honour in not fighting at all.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Wrestling is ballet with violence.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Wrestling’s a form of expression, and it expresses vastness.”

Wrestling Quotes

“I am not the biggest, I am not the strongest, but I am damn sure the toughest!”

Wrestling Quotes

“I pride myself on being a jerk because I am brutally honest all the time.”

Wrestling Quotes

“I woke up and realised life is great and people are awesome and life is worth living.”

Wrestling Quotes

“If you’re afraid to fail, you’ll never succeed.”

Wrestling Quotes

“I swear it upon Zeus an outstanding runner cannot be the equal of an average wrestler.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Wrestling has been a way of life with me day in and day out. I won’t get too far away from it. I might walk through the wrestling room once a week. I could go every day if I wanted. But just walk through, make sure it’s still there.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Learning from the best, you will eventually become the best if you have the talent already, if you have that potential.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Wrestling teaches you nothing comes easy. Nothing in life comes easy, so you have to work at it.”

Wrestling Quotes

“In order to become a wrestler, one should have the strength of a weight-lifter, the agility of an acrobat, the endurance of a runner and the tactical mind of a chess master.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Wrestling will be around forever. It’s been around thousands of years. It’s going to be around till the end of time.”

Wrestling Quotes

“More enduringly than any other sport, wrestling teaches self-control and pride. Some have wrestled without great skill – none have wrestled without pride.”

Wrestling Quotes

“The only things that matters in wrestling are your teeth and your testicles. Anything else, keep wrestling, stop whining.”

Wrestling Quotes

“This is a sport (wrestling) that has turned many boys into men and many men into leaders. And it is a sport in which you can be a giant regardless of how big you are.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Wrestling needs to be about the art form again. It needs to be about painting a picture and having a really good match.”

Wrestling Quotes

“No activity I know is more of a confidence builder and at the same time more ‘humility training’ than wrestling.”

Wrestling Quotes

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They’re made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts”

Wrestling Quotes

“Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.”

Wrestling Quotes

“A lot of my intensity in wrestling was due to my mental preparation before the matches. I got myself into a different world.”

Wrestling Quotes

“This whole wrestling world is a different breed, there’s no doubt.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Anybody can win the matches you can dominate, but it’s the tough matches that are going to make the difference.”

Wrestling Quotes

“Wrestling and acting couldn’t be any more different in terms of what it takes to entertain. Wrestling is explosion, acting is implosion. One really screws up the other.”

Wrestling Quotes

“I can take anyone down at anytime; they can’t take me down; no one can ride or turn me; I can control anyone.”

Wrestling Quotes

“I enjoyed breaking down my matches, because wrestling fans really like to know what I’m actually thinking, and why certain things needed to happen at a certain time.”

Wrestling Quotes

“When the day comes when you don’t believe in yourself, there’s the door. Get the hell out!”