
Welding Quotes

“I think one of the worst things schools have done is taken out all of the stuff like art, music, woodworking, sewing, cooking, welding, auto-shop. All these things you can turn into careers. How can you get interested in these careers if you don’t try them on a little bit?”

Welding Quotes

“I enrolled in welding the program because the welding we did in sculpture class was just enough to whet the appetite. I wanted to know how to properly work with the metal in my sculpture.”

Welding Quotes

“Skilled welders aren’t cheap, cheap welders aren’t skilled.”

Welders Quotes

“The Welder Way means rolling up your sleeves and getting it done. It means no divas. It means complete support for the artistic vision in charge—a philosophy of ‘what can I do to help you?”

Welding Quotes

“Welding is more than just grabbing a stick and going to work. There’s a lot of science and knowledge involved.”

Welding Quotes

“There are three kinds of welder: the ones that do it right, the ones that do it wrong and the ones that say ‘I could have done that better.”

Welding Quotes

“Welders make more money than philosophers. We need more welders and less philosophers.”

Pink Quotes

“These pigments are of hues from warm or cool, from pure pink to the deepest rose colour.”

Pink Quotes

“I can honestly say that, in my opinion, the best thing that could happen to the world would be that it should become pinker and pinker.”

Pink Quotes

“In the years in which I used often to be still awake at dawn, what an entrancing spectacle were the pink clouds in the eastern sky!”

Pink Quotes

“I wear a lot of pink cos’ seeing pink activates endorphins and energizes my creativity. It is a colour of femininity and fierceness.”

Pink Quotes

“Her powder pink panties, which mate the discarded brazier, had the soaked path of Lizy’s excitement and lustful flow.”

Pink Quotes

“Swirling soft pinks, in silky drinks. Cotton candy sky and precious winks.”

Pink Quotes

“The block of sky in our twin high windows became a nectarine, amber and rose pink, and we lay in silence as white sunlight broke.”

Pink Quotes

“Her bedroom had seemed so pink and young and delicate, appropriate to her pastel-shaded lingerie tossed here and there on chair and bed.”

Pink Quotes

“Jaipur is a blushing bride draped in pink, dancing in our dreams while the peacocks sing.”

Pink Quotes

“When you lust after a colour. It’s just got to be pink!”

Pink Quotes

“Pink reminds me of my love for dance. My youth. The innocence of being young. Tutus. Strawberry frosting on a vanilla cake (my favorite).”

Pink Quotes

“Life, when it was good, was indeed pink. La vie en rose.”

Pink Quotes

“The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color — oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples…”